Wednesday, August 24, 2011

When I Grow Up I want to be...

[bril-yuhnt] Show IPA
shining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous: the brilliant lights of the city.
distinguished; illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist.
having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician.
strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright: brilliant blues and greens; the brilliant sound of the trumpets.
5. splendid or magnificent: a brilliant social event
...because, why should I sell myself short??

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Go get your PhD.  Yep, I guess sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you, everything will be okay.  Couldn't have had a better take home message this week.  Look, not to say that I'm100% confident that I can do this for 3 more years like I talked about in my last post, especially without all of my support systems...but hey, who's to say I won't develop that support here (a common theme that I heard over and over in the last few weeks)

I was talking to a really good friend last week and he listened and kept telling me ideas and things that made perfect sense about how to make things better out here...but if you know me at all, you know I'm too stubborn at times to admit that you are right even though I know you probably are.  Anyways, while talking to him, my true taurus signs came out and I'm sure he was about fed up with everything I came back at him with despite knowing that deep down what he was saying to me was exactly what I needed to hear.  After a good couple hours of arguing over how miserable I was in this situation, this was finally my response to him: "i know i'm being impossible right now. lol you are right about everything its just hard for me to agree when i feel so shitty but i do know that everything you are saying is true :):) so thank you"  That goes to all of you out there who have offered me some kind of thoughts/help/rationalization/encouragement in my crazy moments.

My point is, sometimes we just have to be impossible to realize that hey - deep down, I know I'm being irrational, it can't be that bad, and in really, if you're impossible, nothing is possible (right?) but if you're possible, then what's stopping you??

I knew all along - you might think i'm lying - but I really did know that something would happen - whatever that may be - to keep me here in the long term.  This week was the start of something good.  The start of millions of ideas that make me excited about being the serious science nerd I am.  The start of millions of avenues that I have yet to explore and really good things that I have yet to accomplish.  Without giving too much away, I'll let you know that I had an epiphany today.  Actually, I had two.  I don't know anyone who has ever had two epiphanies in one single day - if you have, and if they are as profound (subjectively speaking) as my epiphanies, you are a lucky person.  But because of this, I now have an idea for my future.  I'm not lost in space wandering what the hell I am doing here, thinking how do I do what I really want to do. 

One day, I'll explain to you my ideas for my PhD.  Call me egotistical, but these are ideas that I don't necessarily like sharing (especially over the internet) because I want to be the first to do it.  Science (especially exercise science) is a pun intended..haha...but really, it's a race to develop the new theories, a race to develop new techniques, to pinpoint the best training methods, the most appropriate ways to determine fatigue to prevent injury, the race to figure out which biochemical intermediaries signal which pathways and the implications for disease, a race to determine whether or not we as humans have a physiological limit whether it be goverened by a little 'mini me' in our brains or our peripheral feedback due to a change in homeostasis in everthing that works together to make up our physiology (superficially speaking as it's been a long week and my brain is quite 'fatigued')....anyways, it's a race to be the best. 

Anyways, if you so desire, one day we can have a lovely conversation about what my ideas are for my future, for the future of exercise science, for the future of defining the word fatigue and the mechanisms which lead to fatigue (specifically speaking about task fatigue in which you can no longer perform a given task due to decrease in neuromuscular drive or function).  You simply have to ask.  Because if you don't, I'm going to assume that you don't really give a shit. And if you do, I'm going to assume that you are going to stop listening to me after I say well, its about intense exercise and the metabolism ocurring in the muscle and new ways to measure it bla bla bla...because really, who cares?  Haha, but act interested and I'll talk to you about it for hours :) 

Well, to be the best:  sounds like an overwhelming task to me that in itself is making me fatigued to think about, however, let me just say that I am refreshed.  I am happy.  I need to remember these opportunities that are being presented to me (not that I ever discounted them in the first place) but I need to keep that big picture in mind in order to do what I really really do want to do.  So soon I'll be heading home for a visit that will be short lived, and will likely make me want to stay there forever, but now I can honestly say I don't want to, because I know I have been handed an amazing thing here and I intend to continue on with it.  Phew, what a lovely feeling, I never didn't want to, I just wanted to know and feel that I would be okay doing it, and finally I do.

Finally, to sum all this up, just now, I read a post by another good buddy that said:

"When we come close to those things that break us down, we touch those things that also break us open." 

I don't know who said this, but I think he was talking about my life directly...even if it was said many years ago, haha. Big Loves xx

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I wish there was an easy solution...

to decipher when exactly it's time to throw in the towel and head home. For good.  So many emotions and thoughts running through my head at the moment..can I stick it out for 3 more years?  Do I listen to my brain? or listen to my heart?  Whats the pros and cons on both sides of the coin?  Can someone toss that coin for me and make this, the hardest decision I've come to in my life, for me?  Why was it so easy to pack up and move 10,000 miles away in the first place, if it was going to be so hard to live 10,000 miles away in the end?  

There are many answers/theories/observations I have had, but the one that I keep coming back to is simply:  If it's this hard feeling so alone and so far away for one year doing this honours program, what's it going to be like trying to get through 3 more years without my life, my support system, my networks, my friends, and most importantly my family.  The PhD program is all about focus and perserverence, neither of which I feel I have over here.  I thought that moving out here would be a way for me to blossom, to find who I really am.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I have never been so lost in my life....

^ I miss this girl ^

^ And This (Super Happy) Girl ^

And all of these girls...

And all the fun I have with these girls...

I miss my crew...

...And i miss this girl
..and times like these.

...and these

and this..

and nights like this..
and even though she's far away anyway...i miss this girl ...
of course, there's no doubt I miss this girl too..

Even more important, I miss these girls...

and this girl...

and believe it or not, I even miss this guy... :)

And it goes with out saying I miss all of them too...

There ya go.  And this is only a fraction of the things that have me dying to be back home...(if you don't have a picture in here, trust me i had a million others to put up, but my computers taking too long...) but how and when do I know that that's actually what I'm supposed to do?  How do I have faith that things will work out the way they are supposed to when they haven't so far?  I need some support, some stability and some laughter and fun because I'm learning quickly that I can't survive without all of this.  It has been the key to my success thus far, and without it, I'm pretty sure that I'll soon be a failure.  If any one's got some easy answers out there...I'm wide open to thoughts and opinions but to be honest, at this point I think I know where my heart is....and unfortunately, it's certainly not here  :(

Is there a chance that might change?  Of course.  It could change in an instant...but I've been waiting several months for something that just says to are so dumb if you leave.  How much longer do I play this waiting game?
 My mom, at the very beginning of this adventure said to me that she knew I'd be okay out here.  As long as I was able to network and find myself a group of people like I have back home.  But the truth is, there is no one like them, no one that compares or comes close to understanding me like them and that's what I miss the most.  I guess mom always knows best...

I should certainly add...thank god for...

...this girl

and times like this...

...experiences like this

and places like this...

..and this girl.  i surely don't know what i'd do without her...

Clearly, the past 8 months has not been a waste of my time.  It's hands down been the best experience I have had, and I have learned so much about myself, about life, about different culture and opening my eyes to the world...  So is it really time to give all of this up?  That's the million dollar question.  Yesterday and today I say yes.  Tomorrow I might find the strength and determination to say maybe not.  But maybe not is not a definite no, so then, is the answer the former of the two?  You. Tell. Me.