When we arrived in Lithgow, however, the train was broken. Not a bother though, because they simply bused us to Mt. Victoria where we caught the train. The bus ride up there was long - total from Bathurst to Mt. Victoria, about an hour and half, and had I a window seat, would have been much better. Mt. Victoria was awesome, see the pictures below - I felt like I was living in the 1940's traveling far and about to see someone dear to me on the other side. In fact, there was no one on the other side, just a giant, exciting city!!
The train ride through the Blue Mountains was delightful. I met a very nice Lady and her friend who were headed out towards the city as well, but departed the train long before I did. 3 other elderly ladies ended up sitting next to me. Ingrid, Jesse and Igna - Ingrid and Jesse were from Florida, so immediately we got to talking. They were so wonderful, Igna lives here in Australia, and was telling me all about what I needed to do and see in Sydney - I don't think I accomplished half of her to do list. When we arrived in Sydney, they sort of adopted me, and wanted me to go with them around the city, however I had made plans to go to the beach previously, so I skipped out, though I am sure it would have been a very fun day if I did go. Imagine spending the day with the Golden Girls. A few were missing, but these three were the epidemy of the characters.
Dumped in Central, the huge, overwhelming train station in the heart of Sydney, I was left to figure out where the hell I was going and how to get there. It was somewhat of a daunting task, but I was proud of myself by the end of it. Eventually I found the train to the Bondi Junction and I headed out west towards the Beach! The train only took about 10 minutes to get to the junction at the most and from there I took a 15 minute bus ride to the shoreline. HELLLOOO BEACHH!!! Part of me has been missing this whole time I've been in Oz; that is until I found myself sitting on the sand, watching the surf competition and bodysurfing in the water. Absolute Bliss!!
The day was a bit bleak, it rained for a while, at which point I took cover under the large area for changing and getting lockers. But the sun came out eventually. I met a friend from UNM who is working on his PhD out at the University of New South Wales. Together we walked around the shops near the shore and found some lunch. While eating, the sun came out and we thought it a good idea to go back to the beach and finish the day on a good note! We swam and laid around for the remainder of the afternoon, and eventually headed back into Randwick where he is staying.
The suburbs of Sydney are much like any other large city. They are tangled together and, on the first visit out, are impossible to piece together or separate exactly where you are. The evening we just relaxed, and hung out at his place. Exhausted from the travels of the day, I turned in early and got ready for a long day of exploring on Saturday.
The sun greated us Saturday morning and it was obviously going to be a warm, humid day. We set out early to the harbor, hopped from bus to train and made
our way out to the Sydney Opera House. Talk about an exquisit work of art. I'm no architect, but it was stunning. I reckon anyone would think so.
After walking around it, we ventured through the Botanic Garden area - it was full of grass and interesting art here and there, a couple of neat rock formations (pictures below) and then a tropic sort of area where you ran into spiders whose leg's spanned as big as your hand around every corner. Looking up at the fig trees were hundreds of large bats sleeping through the day whil
e tourists (like me!) stared in awe at how many there were. That bat I caught in the 3rd grade were nothing compared to these babies! Finishing the walk through the gardens, we were dumped out at the New South Wales Art Museum.
The most noteable thing in the museum to me, aside from all of the normal historic art exhibits, was the high school art exhibit. I saw some of the most unique pieces of artwork that were seriously intriguing and made you think about what the work meant. I was very impressed by the work of art the young population is doing around here. Of course this is the best of the best in the city, but what a great representation!
Leaving the art museum, we ventured and wandered our way over to Pott's Point. This is a lively area that is filled with eclectic people, backpackers, hippies, busnessmen/women, you name it. Tons of small shops along the walk ways, unique buildings and a market that was going on, which I think occurs every weekend. What a fun community to live in. I really enjoyed this part of the city. After walking around for a bit we found the train sign (actually we had to ask because we couldn't find it). We popped back on the train and headed back towards the harbor to find some authentic fish and chips for lunch.
We never made it back to the harbor. We got off the train near the Central Point Tower. This is the large tower that stands high above the city giving you breathtaking views of what is around. We did find a small cafe one the path o
f Hyde park that served fish and chips and, as starving as we were, decided that that would be good enough. We ate on the patio and watched a life size game of chess that was underway. The old man in the plaid shirt beating a group of 3 shirtless young mates time and time again. What a champ!
After eating we walked to Central Point Tower and did the touristy thing. We took the lift all the way to the top where we sat and watched the sail boats in the bays, pointed out where the footie fields, rugby fields and cricket fields were. Found where the campus of UNSW was, and where "Home Bush" (the Olympic Stadium) would be if you could see that far out. Looking out over Darling Harbour you could see the National Maritime Museum and the Navy Ships that were docked. Anzac Bridge takes you over to another part of the city, as does the famous Harbour Bridge. The Opera house was absolutley dwarfed by the collosal magnitude of the city. What an experience.
By the end of the lift going down CPT, I was already overcome by how incredible it is out here. Then we found ourselves at The Rocks. This is a small area on the north side of the Harbour Bridge. The Rocks is enveloped with history but was covered today by another wonderful market that occurs every weekend. Here we found the most amazing gelato I think I have ever Ever EVER had!! (sorry ECCO)! I had hazelnut and oh my, was it delicious! We walked around the market, looking at the stuff vendors had (If only I had money to buy some of it!!) and eventually stopped at a lovely Irish Pub that was packed with people and live music.
The suburbs of Sydney are much like any other large city. They are tangled together and, on the first visit out, are impossible to piece together or separate exactly where you are. The evening we just relaxed, and hung out at his place. Exhausted from the travels of the day, I turned in early and got ready for a long day of exploring on Saturday.
The sun greated us Saturday morning and it was obviously going to be a warm, humid day. We set out early to the harbor, hopped from bus to train and made
After walking around it, we ventured through the Botanic Garden area - it was full of grass and interesting art here and there, a couple of neat rock formations (pictures below) and then a tropic sort of area where you ran into spiders whose leg's spanned as big as your hand around every corner. Looking up at the fig trees were hundreds of large bats sleeping through the day whil
The most noteable thing in the museum to me, aside from all of the normal historic art exhibits, was the high school art exhibit. I saw some of the most unique pieces of artwork that were seriously intriguing and made you think about what the work meant. I was very impressed by the work of art the young population is doing around here. Of course this is the best of the best in the city, but what a great representation!
Leaving the art museum, we ventured and wandered our way over to Pott's Point. This is a lively area that is filled with eclectic people, backpackers, hippies, busnessmen/women, you name it. Tons of small shops along the walk ways, unique buildings and a market that was going on, which I think occurs every weekend. What a fun community to live in. I really enjoyed this part of the city. After walking around for a bit we found the train sign (actually we had to ask because we couldn't find it). We popped back on the train and headed back towards the harbor to find some authentic fish and chips for lunch.
We never made it back to the harbor. We got off the train near the Central Point Tower. This is the large tower that stands high above the city giving you breathtaking views of what is around. We did find a small cafe one the path o
After eating we walked to Central Point Tower and did the touristy thing. We took the lift all the way to the top where we sat and watched the sail boats in the bays, pointed out where the footie fields, rugby fields and cricket fields were. Found where the campus of UNSW was, and where "Home Bush" (the Olympic Stadium) would be if you could see that far out. Looking out over Darling Harbour you could see the National Maritime Museum and the Navy Ships that were docked. Anzac Bridge takes you over to another part of the city, as does the famous Harbour Bridge. The Opera house was absolutley dwarfed by the collosal magnitude of the city. What an experience.

By the end of the lift going down CPT, I was already overcome by how incredible it is out here. Then we found ourselves at The Rocks. This is a small area on the north side of the Harbour Bridge. The Rocks is enveloped with history but was covered today by another wonderful market that occurs every weekend. Here we found the most amazing gelato I think I have ever Ever EVER had!! (sorry ECCO)! I had hazelnut and oh my, was it delicious! We walked around the market, looking at the stuff vendors had (If only I had money to buy some of it!!) and eventually stopped at a lovely Irish Pub that was packed with people and live music.
d like there is in american football. I'm likin it a lot. In Rugby League, the biggest difference is that there is no designated tries that a team has while in possession of the ball. Both teams just go for it and don't stop. I haven't yet seet Footie - but it is like a mix between rugby and soccer. All of it is fun to watch! And hello very rough and buff manly guys ;)
The rest of the evening involved bar hopping a bit, one of the other noted bars we went to was a little strange to me. The bar area was upstairs while they had more of a night club type area below. The girls bathroom was located in this really complicated-to-find, completely dark and eery back corner. With the amount of guys that were in that club - literally a ratio of about 19:1; I was sure I was going to have a go at kickin the shit out of a guy, but in fact it didn't happen. Haha, seriously strange.
The next morning involved more walking down to the neuroscience lab that David is completing his research at, as well as a quick tour around part of UNSW (University of New South Wales). Talk about a huge campus! Very nice though. We got brunch at The Spot - which is basically the market area in Randwick. The number of delicious hole-in-the-wall places that exist around this place is huge, and wonderful!
If there is one thing that I can say about Sydney, besides the fact that it was impossibly energetic, excititng and culturally diverse, is that I sure didn't feel as much of a foreigner out there as I do in Bathurst. Not sure which I like more - fitting in, or standing out. I think I chose the latter of the two - people understand when you don't get something the first time in Bathurst and they take the time to really help you out. All in all, I love love love Sydney, but I am so happy that I am living here in Bathurst. A simple $3.90 trip to the big city and the beach is nothin if you ask me. I'll be doing it often :)
The trip back home to Bathurst treated me with an unexpected surprise. On the way to Sydney, I was caught up in conversation with people on the train. On the way home, I was one of only a few people in the cart. I can't begin to explain the massiveness of the Blue Mountains and the glorious views they have to offer. It was the most amazing thing ever. I hope that one day you have a chance to take the Blue Mountain Line from Sydney to Lithgow. It is marvelous, stunning, spectacular, breath taking, awe-inspiring, fabulous, miraculous, calming, overwhelming, invigorating, the list goes on. Do you get it? Do you understand how blessed I am to be here? I'm not sure I do. It just keeps getting better. Cheers!
You can see more pictures on FB: https://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=11606551&aid=2192336
Love Love Love it!!! Can't wait to visit and see all the amazing places :)