Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm the Little White Girl from Mexico

Finally, someone thought I was from Mexico.  I've been waiting for that to happen, I'm surprised it took almost a month! 

I went to 'Down Unda', the liquor store down the street from our home today to get a bottle of wine as a gift.  After wandering around through the store, and obviously looking lost, one of the workers (who, might I add, was very cute) came up and asked 'You doing alright, doll?'  I love that I get called doll here on a daily basis.  And trust me, the accent never gets old in these instances! 

Eventually, I found the Shiraz I was looking for, and went up to pay.  The other worker immediately asked where I was from, to which I replied, 'New Mexico'.  He said, 'MEXICO?!'  Whether he was excited to meet someone from Mexico, or that I, being one of the whitest girl's ever, said I was from Mexico, I am not sure.  But when I reiterated the NEW Mexico, his response was...'Oh!  Well whats the difference?'

What is the difference?  Clearly we are north of the border - part of the United States.  I mentioned that slight detail, and the fact that we are in a WHOLE DIFFERENT COUNTRY, but his next question was, 'Well is it safe there?'  I told him I felt safer in Bathurst than in the city I'm from - I think that led him to believe I am indeed from Mexico.  I told him our food in New Mexico is much beetter too, but he didn't seem to get it.

I want to be critical of this, but I had a long walk back in the rain (see pciture!) and on second thought, I realized, I wouldn't have an ounce of knowledge about the country down here, I didn't have an ounce of knowledge about the country down here until I moved here, so I can't say too much.  Well, no longer am I the American in town, I'm now the Extremely White Mexican.  I can dig either - good thing I didn't mention my last name was Vargas, that would have totally solidified his thoughts.  Needless to say, I'll be goin back there to visit the other worker ;)

I went for a run yesterday, and almost stepped on this huge snake!  See picture below.  While I was taking a picture - like a dumb american would, a kid walked by and kicked it.  I was seriously ready to run as fast as I possibly could - if there was ever a time to test my abilities of out running a 5ft long 4 inch round snake, that would have been the time!....but it was dead.  I wanted to punch that kid in the face!  Not really, but put yourself in that position, what would you do??

PS.  Tomorrow I'm going to Sydney!!!  I can't wait!  Even though its barely supposed to be 21 degrees and raining all weekend long.  It will be a good time.  I'll take lots of pictures! 

Cheers :)

That's a rose from our bushes outside, they are exquisite!  And they smell amazing in when it's raining!

Also, I was watching the news and they were talking about a study that was completed that inolved several countries, but the US and UK did not take part in it.  It said that Australia has the 2nd most cars per family compared to the other countries, Italy won by.3.  Do you think the US would have more than Oz?  Their numbers were 2.4 cars per family, while Italy had 2.7.  I wander..

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