Monday, March 28, 2011

Dying with Dignity

Just sitting on the couch this lovely evening, watching tv, and the news started talking about the choice to die.  Got me wandering if this is a controversy in the states as it is here, as I hadn't heard anything about it previously.  The idea is euthanization on demand from a doctor if or when you want to end your life.  I haven't done any extra research, but it sounds like it is only available for elderly people.  Please do share your thoughts/ideas on this.  I'm a bit bewildered by the idea myself.

1 comment:

  1. Have you never heard of Dr. Kevorkian? In general he said he only assisted terminal patients, but he was an advocate for everyone's "right-to-die". This is nothing new and was a huge deal in the US back in the 90's when he was on trial.
