Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainbow Pants, Yellow Togas and Lady Bug Wings. Is it Halloween??

WOW.  That sums up tonight.

Today I started coaching at the club on campus.  They have a good number of kiddos that come to do gymnastics - but I must say, I've got my work cut out for me.  The club president, Belinda, is awesome.  Such a sweet girl, very outgoing and fun.  She wants me to help restructure all of the programs which, at the moment, wont be too difficult with the experience I have, but I am worried I'm getting in over my head.  Obviously, school comes first.  We'll see how much time I have and if it is worth it. 

Belinda invited me to the 'returners' night at the Uni bar. Her and Sophie, another coach said they would be going.  I figured it would be a good way to meet people.  I'll sum up the night with a few statements, and you put the rest to your imagination...

Hundreds of seriously drunk students
Floors cooovveerreddd and by that i mean absolutely drenched with booz
Boys wearing....Rainbow pants, a yellow toga, lime green tights with a sleevless shirt with bright colored shapes on it, and several other mysterious outfits that they thought looked good, and a girl or 2 with lady bug wings on
A ginormous puddle of water chillin next to the bathrooms
People falling one after another on the slick floor, one bloke in particular who fell, got up, fell again, tried to get up and almost fell again....was he too drunk or were the floors really that slippery?
A huge cluster of kids raving out to the club music that was playing
If I didnt know better, I'd think I was at a rave - where were the drugs?? 

Yikes, I might also add that while I was walking home from work earlier today a taxi passed me and right as they did a mate opened his door and puked.  Gross.  Keep in mind, this was at about 7:30.  Yea, these Aussies don't mess around when it comes to drinking.  Haha

On the bright side, I was introduced to so many people I don't remember anyone's name (and that is not because I am drunk).  And I met an American!  She is from Washington DC and her name is Becky and she is a 'mature' student too!  She has been here for 4 years, but plans on going back to the states after she graduates.  She found herself an Aussie love, might I be as lucky?? ;)  I think we are going out for coffee soon, we exchanged numbers.  Yay!!

Anyway, if I were an undergrad I would be partying it up with the 18year olds right now.  Instead, I'll refrain from thinking I look totally sexy in a bright yellow toga and lady bug wings, and I'll just go out and people watch.  You are missing out.  It really is extremely entertaining!  Check back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Where are the pictures from this night?!? LOL Lovin' the commentary :)
